Monday, June 28, 2021


June 26, 2021. Saturday. Took a pregnancy test for the 5th time (did, too last week), first thing in the morning and was not really expecting anything because last week already showed negative (although no period has come the last 7 days so), left it on the floor, washed my hands and went back to it after a few seconds. TO. MY. SURPRISE. The circle one for pregnant had that line in it! Could not for the life of me believe it! 


So I left Camilla in the bedroom, told her I was gonna say something to dada and as I was going downstairs I kept yelling "DADA!A DADAAAA!" And Martin getting pissed saying "ANNOOO?? ANOOOO??? ANOOOO???" Then I showed him the test while repeating "OMG, OMG..." and he said "What, negative?" And I said "It's positive! Waaahhh!!" 

Then we hugged and laughed and teased about it. Went upstairs to tell Camilla first. We told her she's going to be an ate. She gave that deep thinking serious look and kind of in denial. She of course wants to only be our and mama's baby. But as we explain to her that babies are gifts from heaven, she's more accepting now and proudly announced to lola and lolo that she's going to be an ate. This is a few hours after. We'll see in the next few days or months if it's still the same. But this morning, she asked if my tummy is getting bigger and told me she's excited to see the baby, too. We let her think of baby names as well as early as now so she feels as important as the baby ahead.

Thank you kuya Jess. Another answered prayer. I remember my dream about holding a kid boy's hand a few months back. Same with Camilla, when she was in my tummy, I had a dream about holding a little girl's hand in the streets. Could it be a sign? We'll see. We are #grateful, nonetheless.

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