I was a day early!
Good thing le family was here, otherwise, PANIC (talking about Martin).
So around 6pm, I got "checked" at home --yeah, having an OB-GYN mom in law is fantastic! And guess what, I was already 6cm. I was 2cm from the very last check, which was a week ago. Now, at 6cm, there's a bit of a brown bleeding already happening (which could be baby's poop!) and a bit of contraction (which of course I didn't know were contractions, I thought just regular non-contractions). So I lay on our bed and got checked. Went down and the brother said that if I go to the hospital and they see that I'm already at 6cm, they won't ask me to leave the hospital.
Anyway, we had dinner and around 10pm I was saying that the "contractions" were consistent and were coming around 8-10 minutes apart. The contractions were not painful (not to me). Then mom decided to check me again. Tadaaa--I'm 8cm. She said, "Magbihis ka na hija, aabot ka pa." So then they informed Martin to dress up - he showered AND THEN CUT HIS NAILS. I dunno why (he doesn't know why) but yeah he did that.
We went to the hospital around 11pm, Martin, papa and I. So we checked in, and they checked me TWICE, and said "Oh, nothing has changed. You're still 2cm." In my head I'm like, "Are you serious?". 2cm and 8cm are not at all close. I even acted that I was in soooo much pain for them to not send me home. Didn't work. They asked for me to walk for 2 hours and see if anything will change.
So we walked in the hospital, from 11pm to 1am. I was feeling the contractions really close apart like 2-3 minutes? I asked papa and Martin to rest/sleep at around 12mn and they did so at the waiting area. I was just walking my a$$ off, to and fro, and I would stop and slow down everytime I feel the contraction.
1 am came, we went back in and they checked me again. This time I was checked 3 times. They had my hips on top of a pillow so they can really check the cervix. After the nurse checked me, she asked for the attending I guess and they said "You did a good job, you're at 8 cm!" I'm like, I'M AT 8 CM SINCE 11 PM!! But anyway, I was trying to look more uncomfortable just for the heck of it, too afraid that I will still be sent home before the second check-up. The OB went in again to check and she was like "Yes, you're at 8 CM." Again I'm like "I TOLD YOUU." She was like "You really know you're body. You know you have a high tolerance in pain." Again in my head "I KNOW RIGHT!?"
But anyway, they said they'll prepare the room. We informed papa and the rest of the family. While they were transferring me to the delivery room, we were hearing another mother in labor - probably already delivering a baby- and she was shouting like how you hear a patient in movies. Martin and I looked at each other and we got a bit scared. I even said, I wonder if that will be me when I deliver.
So I was transferred to the new room, they asked if I wanted epidural and I said "uhuh!" I'm thinking now how painful it would have been the whole time if I didn't take any epidural. But why wouldn't you take it?? The thing with this however, was they actually poked me thrice! First two times didn't work, they said they're having a hard time because my spine are too close. So they had me curl to my side and really curl as far as I can so it would open up my spine. The poking was painful but I was just thinking at that time that it is fine since after that I would feel more comfortable and relaxed. They kept saying sorry since again it's taking more than 1 attempt. So I was drugged and they were checking my heartbeat, my pulse, BP, also the baby's. Had to shift to my side from time to time. By 3am I think I dozed off. I was sleeping and snoring until what, 6am? I can't have anything, just water. By 7am I think kuya Andrew and mom were already in the hospital. I was really comfortable at that time, no pain nor contractions can be felt. I wasn't feeling nervous at all, I dunno. Oh, I remember I was shivering at some point, I couldn't help my teeth from shivering. I just reminded myself to take deep breaths. I know I was ready to push and see my Camilla. I was wondering how painful the actual delivery is so that's still something to look forward to. By 10am, I asked for petocin since I'm feeling the contractions again. I was beginning to be uncomfortable again as these waves of pain comes and goes. By this time, the baby is still at station 0 and we need her to be atleast at station +1. By this time, we're beginning to worry because the baby may have pooped already inside, which caused mama to panic.
So we met Dr. Kurachi, the OB who helped me deliver. The checking of the baby was of course constant, and mama kept on saying that since the baby is at risk (knowing she may have pooped), we should already speed up the process. By 11:40am, everyone's already prepping up for the big moment. Again, I wasn't scared - hold on - backtrack to when they were giving me an epidural - I was super scared at this point. I remember now that I was trembling a bit, my hands are soo cold, I think my lips are trembling as well. Martin kept asking me if I was okay, at one point, I think I said, "I'm scared." He just comforted me the best way he can, and of course that helped. - So again fast forward, I was about to deliver. Dr. Kurachi had the NICU team prepared. They said I should push only when I feel the contraction.
So I was there, both legs open, Martin was on my right side, he's supposed to count from 1 - 10 (LOL) and mama on my left side, also massaging me and coaching me. Push number 1 - I was making this push noise and mama was like "Walang sound, Shiela. Walang sound." So I was making a long push and removed the sound. LOL. I would rest - everyone would rest - as soon as the contraction fades. Funny, they would all talk about things like Japan and traveling and when I feel the contraction coming I was like "Okay guys, I feel the contraction coming, I'm going to push" and everyone would again turn to me to help me out. Martin was about to pass out, being a softie and all but he didn't. Proud of dada! Mama was already saying that I should hurry up and give a really big push so that the baby can be checked ASAP. So, Dr. Kurachi was really helpful in pressing the area where I needed to push. After a few pushes, I knew what I needed to do and how I should push. At first I didn't know if what I'm doing was correct, I didn't know where to push, what to push, if I'm pushing correctly or whatnot. The team was just so patient and helpful in letting me know what to do, and if I'm doing it correctly so that helped a lot! The whole team screamed when they saw the hair! Oh my gosh, I don't even want to picture how THAT looks like! And Martin actually peeked! And this was the time when he was about to faint but held it in. HAHA! I wouldn't peek if I were me.
By 12:36, my very last, long and powerful push, Camilla just slid and I felt a bit of a slimy ball of thing filled with water come out from there and I was just so relieved. Everyone heard Camilla crying so loud as she's coming - they didn't need to slap her butt to make her cry, she was already screaming at the top of her lungs! Oh, its a premonition! The doctors didn't worry about Camilla's conditions since she was able to cry her lungs out. Tough one!
Of course I cried! Tears were just falling down my face, I was happy and relieved and excited and thankful...all of these emotions came out and I just released everything out at that time. Martin was wiping his eyes as well! A few minutes later, I was holding Camilla! She was sooooo precious! She had puffy face, long nails, reddish dry skin...so tiny! She was placed on top of my chest for the skin to skin time. She was just there, crying, I bet hungry. I was there counting her fingers, checking her skin and face and hair...just staring and feeling and amazed that this baby that was a few minutes ago and for a very long time, was in my belly, and now I'm holding her in my arms. Martin was right beside me, also in awe. While I was holding and checking Camilla, I was being stitched by my OB and the nurse. I wasn't feeling anything while they were doing that, I remember telling them to take their time since I'm not feeling anything, they kept apologizing for taking too long to work on the stitches. I didn't mind, I just got through the hardest part --so far/at that time.
My 7 pounder baby! She was just on top of me for a good 10 minutes or so. She was then weighed, cleaned and wrapped or swaddled. There was even an issue with the formula request since the nurse was not allowing us to give some to the baby. Little did he know that he was talking to 3 doctors. Poor nurse had to take leave that afternoon. Another nurse helped us later that day.
Look how puffy she was! We spent that night with just Martin and I, and we were there changing diapers, breast feeding, and just looking and staring at her while she sleeps. The breastfeeding part was the next challenge we faced but I guess that's for the next blog.
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